About FilmForward
FilmForward is a national development institution that fulfills a networking function throughout the Netherlands. We are currently located in the MACA breeding ground (Moving Arts Center Amsterdam) on the NDSM site, where part of our program takes place. But our influence extends beyond Amsterdam.
Thanks to close collaborations with regional talent hubs, Screen Talent NL, leading courses and renowned festivals, we are actively involved in initiating, co-producing and supervising programs throughout the country. We share valuable knowledge and networks with fellow professionals in the sector.
What sets us apart from other talent development organizations is our inclusive approach. Our programs are accessible to all professionals, and we place special emphasis on interdisciplinary exchange. We believe in the power of inclusion and strive to offer opportunities to professionals who previously saw little opportunity for further development.
Collaboration is central to us. We work intensively with AV professionals, trade associations, academic institutions and tech pioneers to develop innovative programs that seamlessly connect to practice and current developments in the sector. At FilmForward, your artistic and professional growth is always central. This way we can (continue to) support professionals optimally.
Our activities
Our activities can be divided into two pillars: The Talent & Skills Lab and the Learning Community.
- talent & skills lab – provider
With the Talent & Skills Lab, FilmForward offers a diverse range of training, workshops, crash courses and master classes for professionals from all AV departments. The Talent & Skills Lab is a dynamic learning environment aimed at stimulating skills and developing talent in the film and AV sector. Various workshops and training courses are offered that are designed to professionalize and innovate artistic, technical and organizational aspects. This allows professionals to increase and refine skills, build expertise and further develop their artistic potential. These can be short programs, in the form of master classes and crash courses, or longer programs, such as a residency program, workshops or multi-day training courses.
The Talent & Skills Lab program is designed bottom-up based on the needs of and in collaboration with the sector, including festivals, production companies, streaming services and trade associations. Programs always maintain a certain degree of flexibility, which allows FilmForward to continue to focus its offering on urgent themes and remain constantly relevant. Our starting point is that everyone follows their own unique path within the sector.
Interdisciplinary training is our priority, because it has proven valuable to have professionals from different disciplines work together. Expanding and gaining knowledge about each other’s profession benefits artistic quality and contributes to better mutual communication during the entire development and production process. In addition, we weave Positionality training into most multi-day programs to promote awareness of inclusivity within all disciplines. This also contributes to better communication between departments and ensures an accessible and safe working environment. The experts who are deployed as tutors and mentors come from the industry and share their specific knowledge and experience.
- learning community – connector
With the Learning Community, FilmForward supports and connects professionals and organizations, and we identify the demand for depth, innovation and strengthening through capacity building, brainstorming sessions and networking events.
The Learning Community includes the activities that FilmForward organizes as a connecting party and the support of initiatives in the film and AV sector. To this end, we organize Focus Tables, the FeedForward Community and community events in which the exchange of ideas for sustainably strengthening and future-proofing the sector and the various disciplines is central. This collection and connection takes place throughout the country in collaboration with regional talent hubs, (film) festivals, trade associations and other organizations.
With the many initiatives in the Netherlands in the field of talent development in the film and AV sector, there is a great need for an overview. For potential participants to ensure that the offer is known. And from the providers themselves to prevent overlap and to ensure continuity and connection with the media landscape. FilmForward acts as a spider in the web of all these initiatives and continuously undertakes activities to bring representatives of the various local, regional and thematic programs to the table, so that best practices can be exchanged and collaborations can arise.