Milou Rohde

Milou Rohde uses her curiosity to write screenplays. She prefers to tell stories about underexposed subjects, often from a female perspective. She looks for lightness in situations to make a story manageable for the viewer.

In 2019 she graduated from the HKU Audiovisual Media with the film ‘Moffenmeid’ (co-screenwriter and director Raymon Hilkman). The film is about a mother whose daughter is pregnant by a German soldier during the liberation of the Netherlands in 1945. The film was selected for the Netherlands Film Festival, Movies That Matter and GoShort, among others. The film Spotless (directed by Emma Branderhorst) sheds light on the current problem of menstrual poverty in the Netherlands. ‘Spotless’ won best short film at the Cinekid festival, took home a Crystal Bear from the Berlinale and travels several festivals around the world. With her next short film ‘Men’s Evening’ (co-screenwriter and director Raymon Hilkman) she tries to bring the #metoo discussion to everyday life by means of a men’s evening.

Research within de Vrijplaats
During the Vrijplaats, Milou Rohde investigated how you can write a separate storyline for (social) media in addition to the linear narrative story to increase audience reach and interaction with the viewer.



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