Talent & Skillslab

This is the place where professionals from all AV departments can find a wide range of training courses, workshops and master classes to take their skills to the next level.

Our dynamic learning platform is designed to drive skills and talent development within the film and AV sector. We offer various programs in the field of artistic, technical and organizational aspects, so that you can further develop in your field.

And best of all? Our program is developed in close collaboration with the sector, including festivals, production companies and trade associations. This way we remain flexible and can quickly respond to current needs and urgent themes within the industry.

Interdisciplinary training is central to our program. We strive for inclusivity and improved communication between different departments, so that you can collaborate optimally and grow as a professional. Our experienced tutors and mentors, drawn from the industry, are ready to share their expertise with you and guide you on your personal and professional growth path.



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