Vrijplaats residency
The Vrijplaats is FilmForward’s residency where film and AV professionals conduct research to deepen their professional practice.
FilmForward’s Vrijplaats residency gives film and AV professionals free work and thinking space to play and experiment with a research question about the development of cinematic and audiovisual stories that does not fit within existing development processes.
From in-depth research into a subject, to a design phase turned inside out; de Vrijplaats offers AV professionals the space to make concrete questions for which people always think there is no time or opportunity.
See the Vrijplaats residency as an open and creative space, a laboratory and an unexplored area where all questions that contribute to the deepening and improvement of your maker skills and the film and AV sector can be answered. At the Vrijplaats residency, AV professionals can deepen or broaden their knowledge, innovate the production process and collaborate with professionals from other disciplines to gain new insights. In addition to time and space to work on their own research with mentors and experts, there is a joint program around a theme.
Whether you draw storyboards, write screenplays, search for locations, compose film music, develop games, play characters or come up with the best frameworks to visualize cinematic stories for all screens, every AV professional in film and audiovisual media who has a plan to develop further to develop is invited to participate in the Vrijplaats residency.