Vrijplaats Residency 2022: Young Perspectives

The third edition of FilmForward Vrijplaats Residency is organized by Cinekid and FilmForward and has the theme Young Perspectives. 

In addition, we organize joint seminars and masterclasses about innovating and making productions for a young audience more inclusive. We discuss how productions for a young audience should find their way on the multitude of new platforms and in which hybrid forms. We philosophize about human stories in digital worlds. And we investigate what it means for children to be yourself in a changing world and how to deal with all those big questions about the environment, uncertainty and threats.

Participants are film professionals  with a research question that focuses on making and screening of cinematic and audiovisual productions for children from 3 to 14 years old.

Image: ‘OINK’ © Mascha Halberstad & Viking Film


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